AsBAA supports and encourages women to pursue aviation roles and careers. In the beginning of the 2022-2024 Board term, AsBAA's Chairwoman Jenny Lau and BoG Jolie Howard kicked off a virtual meeting with AsBAA's BoG Diana Chou as well as members Joyce Kee, Madonna Fung and Cindy Tse to discuss AsBAA's plans to support Women in Aviation initiatives. The committee has agreed that Women In Aviation is a platform for fellow women professionals to receive support and advice for professional and personal development. Jenny Lau, Chairwoman of AsBAA highlighted that this platform will be supported by AsBAA and in line with its missions of advocacy, representation, and networking. The missions, goals and action plans will be determined in the future. The committee aims to encourage more ladies in the industry to join this platform in promoting women in aviation. The Committee members brainstormed a number of popular topics to address through this platform, including:
- Equal Opportunities
- Recruitment platform
- Training platform
- Mentoring and Counselling support
- Marketing
- Fundraising