ECCP and AsBAA Meets with Philippine Department of Transportation Undersecretary for Aviation and Airports Roberto Lim
Recently, the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP)'s Aviation Committee and AsBAA met with Roberto "Bobby" Lim, the Undersecretary for Aviation and Airports at the Department of Transportation in the Philippines. The meeting was held both in-person at the Manila International Airport Authority Administration Building and via Zoom. During the meeting, Lim discussed the administration's plans and priorities for the aviation industry, while attendees discussed the committee's priorities and advocacy recommendations, including the establishment of a National Aerospace Plan, upgrading airport infrastructure, restructuring the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, and creating the Philippine Transportation Safety Board. The group also discussed about collaborating for the upcoming ECCP x AsBAA Aviation Summit in September.
Present at the meeting were DOTr Undersecretary Bobby Lim, Chief of Staff Director Joel Laguerta, ECCP Executive Director Florian Gottein, Quisumbing Torres Partner and ECCP Aviation Committee Chairperson Atty. Marvin Masangkay, Aviation Committee Co-Chairperson Lourdes Cariño-Angeles, SITA Country Head Philippines Junard Cruz, Navfix Flight Services Inc General Manager Penny Lim, ECCP Industry and Government Affairs Manager Katrina Baligod, and ECCP Advocacy Officer Chienie Nethercott. Present virtually at the meeting were AsBAA Vice Chairman and International Jet Management Asia Singapore Pte. Ltd. CEO Max Motschmann, AsBAA Vice Chairman and Chapter Chair for the Philippines Captain Patrick Roa, and AsBAA Director Anthony Lam.